Schiemond 20-22
3024 EE Rotterdam

Europan 15 Rotterdam | bijeenkomst

Schiemond 20-22 3024 EE Rotterdam Nederland Nederland
AIR and Europan NL are pleased to invite you to the Award Ceremony of the 15th edition of Europan NL: ‘Productive Rotterdam’.

Europan 15 Rotterdam: Fresh perspectives on good growth

Monday 9th of March 20.00 hrs
Learn about the bright new ideas of the twelve winning teams and join the discussion on the good growth of the city with the Europan 15 jury members, partners and involved city makers.  

This is a unique moment in the Europan competition, where the ideas of engaged young architects and the competition winners especially will connect with the expertise of the jury, local partners and city makers. With this program Europan 15 will open up the debate on the good growth of the city and invite fresh new ideas on the future of living and working.    

Where: De KROON, Schiemond 20-22, 3024 EE Rotterdam
Registration: Free entrance, but registration is required
19:30 Doors open & possibility to view the visual presentation of the winning entries
20:00 Welcome by Europan NL & the City of Rotterdam
20:15 Exploring Europan 15 sites, talents & challenges   
21:45 Official Award Ceremony
22:00 Drinks
23:00 End





Reflections by the jury

The Europan 15 jury selected five winners, four runners-up and three special mentions out of 123 competition entries. Read the jury report and learn about the reflections by the jury on Rotterdam challenges, the competition sites and the ideas of the next generation of talented designers that participated in this edition: "Europan touches on all dimensions of the urban project”. The jury: Jacob van Rijs (MVRDV) of Johan Anrys (51n4e), Marc Glaudemans (director of the Province of Noord-Brabant), Tina Saaby (former Copenhagen city architect), Alice Fung (00: /) and Beatriz Ramo (STAR), Like Bijlsma (SUBoffice) and urban planner Mariet Schoenmakers.


Read the juryrapport

A collaborative effort

The five Dutch sites selected for Europan 15 are all located in Rotterdam. From the start, this edition has been setup as a collaborative city making effort. The Municipality of Rotterdam, private partners, city makers and also the Europan generation itself have been involved in all phases through public lectures, debates and workshops. All entries will be shared publicly and the lessons of this edition will be tested through an in-depth workshop program. Read about all public lectures, publication and the interviews with our partners: AM, BPD, Dudok, ERA Contour, Heijmans, Woonstad and the City of Rotterdam.


Read the blogs




Award Ceremony Europan 15

Monday March 9th 20.00 - 22.00 hrs
AIR and Europan NL are pleased to invite you for the Award Ceremony of the 15th edition of Europan NL: ‘Productive Rotterdam’. Learn about the bright new ideas of the twelve winning teams and join the discussion on the good growth of the city with the Europan 15 jury members, partners and involved city makers.  


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Ook in Rotterdam: Inspiring Cities #1: Push

Dinsdag 17 maart 19.00 - 22.30 uur
Placemaking Europe, STIPO en Keilewerf lanceren het filmprogramma ‘Inspiring Cities’. Elk kwartaal een film over een actueel stedelijk thema, in samenwerking met KINO en partners uit de stad. Deze avond de film ‘Push’, een indringend portret van de toegankelijkheid van steden en het wonen onder druk van internationaal kapitaal.


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Save the date: Great Books met Sharon Zukin

Tuesday April 21st 20.00 uur
AIR and Master City Developer (MCD) have invited the eminent American urbanist Sharon Zukin to present her newest book: ‘The Innovation Complex: Cities, Tech, and The New Economy’. Zukin presents a critical first look at urban economic transformation in the digital age. She shows how local lives are tied to global capital and how the tech-ecosystem and the politics of innovation-economy form and reshape the new urban economy and the city. What about Rotterdam?    


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Nederland in 2120

Donderdag 23 april 19.30 - 22.30 uur
Een andere kijk op het gebruik van natuurlijke hulpbronnen en de ruimtelijke inrichting is nodig om een transitie te maken naar een betere, groenere versie van Nederland. Hoe Nederland er mogelijk in 2120 uit zou kunnen zien onderzocht een team van experts van Wageningen University & Research.
Michaël van Buuren en Bertram de Rooij, onderdeel van dat team, nemen ons tijdens een lezing op 23 april mee in dit onderzoek.
Na afloop van deze lezing gaan we met verschillende experts in gesprek om te onderzoeken wat deze toekomstvisie betekent voor Rotterdam en de rol van ontwerp aan een duurzame ontwikkeling. 


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